Professional Writing

Helping You ‘Spread the Word’!

Looking for a little extra help populating your new Small Business Suite website with content? Turn to our professional writers.

They bring decades of award-winning, result-getting advertising, marketing, and branding experience to every project they undertake. Their skills are broad-based, too, covering everything from basic copywriting to creative work of the highest caliber.

We bill the services of our professional writers at an hourly rate. And we provide an up-front estimate of the writing time your project will require.

To accommodate your particular needs, we’ll even customize our writing services and bill you accordingly. If you’re operating on a budget, for instance, try buying our writing time in specially discounted blocks. The bigger the block you buy, the bigger the discount we give.

Our professional writers have a lot more to offer you, too – if you like. Their skills also encompass writing for various media, providing solid concepts and engaging text for … 

  • custom websites and microsites
  • enewsletters and email campaigns
  • blogs
  • print catalogs, brochures, advertising
  • radio and TV spots
  • direct mail
  • press releases
  • magazine feature articles
  • data sheets
  • point-of-purchase materials
  • signage/posters
  • billboards
  • sales meeting speeches and skits
  • video and film scripts
  • multimedia presentations

To learn more about our professional writing services and rates, contact Cirrus ABS.