
Build a Stable Base for Your Small Business Website

There are three ways to increase revenue for your small business website: increase traffic, increase merchandising, and increasing your conversion rate. All three are important to develop and leaving any one underdeveloped will result in stunted revenue potential. But where do you start?

Increasing traffic is pretty straight forward. With more hits on your website, you have a higher chance making a sale. Driving web browsers to your website is all good, but what if they fall off before committing to your product? Then all your hard work is done in vain. So what about increasing merchandising?

Increasing your merchandising can result in greater revenue since you are making more on the sales you do land. This may put off regular customers and repeat customers with higher pricing; not what you want either. Lets keep your price point where it is for now and cover our third option; the conversion rate.

A high conversion rate is the 'holy grail' your small business website is trying to achieve. Since you are selling more products to the same number of the customers, no extra work is required. Now that's more like it! We now have a distinct, clear order of attack. Conversion rate, then traffic, and finally merchandising will maximize your earning potential.

Let the Cirrus ABS Small Business Suite and its robust tools help you implement your plan of attack. With instructional guides and live tech support, get the edge you need to increase the efficiency of your small business website. Check out our Cirrus ABS Small Business Suite features and give us a call to let the Web work for you!